Finding the right quick weight loss diet program can be difficult. There are so many different weight loss diet plans out there; from low carb to no carb, low fat to high protein. There is the Zone Diet, the Flat Belly Diet, the Atkins Diet and the South Beach Diet - there is even the ridiculous Cookie Diet!
Some of the diets mentioned will help in getting a flat stomach, some will help you lose 50 pounds, but many others won't and are often counterproductive. Yo-yo dieting is commonplace on nearly ever diet, why? Well, because most diets are focused on a quick fix - they will help you lose weight fast in such a drastic manner that you can't possibly maintain it.
Let's take a look at 3 things to avoid when you are searching for a quick weight loss diet program.
1.) Avoid quick fix diet scams.
Avoid any diet that promises that you will lose more than 10 pounds per week. It is nigh on impossible for you to lose more than 2 pounds of fat each week unless you are extremely obese. Most of your weight loss whilst using one of these quick fix diets will be from muscle wastage and water. You weight loss diet plan should be one focused on the long term, not the quick fix.
2.) Avoid drastic cuts in calories.
A drastic cut in calories might sound like a good idea but it is in fact one of the worst things you can do if you want to permanently lose weight. When your body receives too few calories it begins to shut down and retain fat, this phenomenon is known as the "starvation mode" and is designed to protect against starvation. Your metabolism will slow to a crawl and you won't burn much fat - so beware of any diet suggesting a cut in calories of more than 20% of your BMR.
3.) Avoid diet plans that exclude any type of macronutrient.
Despite what you may have heard, all three macronutrients are essential for optimum health - you should be including protein, carbohydrate and fat in your diet. The key here though is choosing the right types of these macronutrients - it's no good getting your carbs solely from donuts!
You have learned what you should be avoiding if you want the very best quick weight loss diet program.